

能源 & Automation Program 奖学金 | Bismarck State College

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能源 & Automation Program 奖学金

Over $250k in BSC scholarships designated for 能源

由于对制造业和能源行业员工的高需求, 在BSC就读自动化和能源专业的学生有资格获得最高5美元的奖金,000/academic per semester!  Every student should apply. 


The Priority Application deadline is Jan. 1.

所有申请必须包括成绩单和ACT分数(如果采取).  Applications can be submitted until Sept. 1. Applicants must be a citizen of the
United States of America, 国家, 申请时为难民外国人或永久居民外国人.

问题? | 电子邮件: Christina.Burns@tilar.net | Call: 701-224-2486

Thank you to our industry partners!!

American Tr答mission Company
Cass County Electric Cooperative
The Falkirk Mining Company
Great River 能源
Hess Corporation
Malloy Electric 
Marathon Petroleum Logistics
NoDak Electric Cooperative
North American Coal-Falkirk Mine
Otter Tail Power Company
Xcel 能源 奖学金

Check out our many opportunities!

AIM(成就、创新、激励)S-Stem奖学金是由美国国家科学基金会(NSF)向十大网络彩票平台大全(BSC)提供的一项资助。. 这项助学金允许BSC为正在攻读制造或能源学位的学生提供奖学金,并且可以证明未满足经济需求. 


Advancing Nuclear Science
The American Nuclear Society’s Kent W. 哈姆林纪念奖学金对参加BSC核十大网络彩票平台大全的学生开放, 获批准的美国.S. nuclear power industry's Nuclear Uniform Curriculum Program (NUCP).  Up to two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded this year. 
To learn more 或应用, please visit:  http://www.ans.org/scholarships/hamlin/

Al Golden 奖学金
北达科他州石油基金会目前正在接受2024-2025学年Al Golden奖学金的申请. 该奖学金开放给在北达科他州学院或大学攻读高等教育的学生, 工程, processing plant technology, 科学, 技术技能或其他与石油和天然气行业相关的职业. 北达科他州石油基金会每学年颁发10个奖学金,最高可达2000美元.  For more information visit: http://ndpetroleumfoundation.org/programs/al-golden-scholarship/

American Sugar Crystal Company Vocational 奖学金 & Training Program
美国水晶糖公司是一个很好的例子,农民和制造商共同努力,创造了全国范围内享有的最高质量的产品,并依赖于消费者的最爱,如苏打水, candy bars and cereals.

美国水晶提供了许多不同的职业选择探索, 从监督生产过程的技术角色到领导工厂团队或总部十大网络彩票平台大全的行政角色. The partnership with Bismarck State College 帮助学生为我们工厂的锅炉房技术员和工艺技术员的职业生涯做好准备. Full scholarships, covering tuition, 工具, 书, and room/board costs, 每年颁发给攻读发电技术和工艺技术专业AAS学位的学生.

Hess JET Positions
JET provides individuals the opportunity to job shadow, 实习生, and apprentice in oil and gas production careers. 该计划将他们介绍给我们行业中至关重要的职业, 激励员工在工作中解决问题, 并鼓励专业员工和个人之间的知识和技能转移.

ND Association of General Contractors
北达科他州联合总承包商为高中毕业生提供奖学金.   These scholarships are for the 2024-2025 school year.  十大网络彩票平台大全 eligible include Electric Power Technology, Engineering Technology, and Instrumentation and Control Technology. 
Application Deadline is April 24, 2024.

North Dakota 社区 基金会

North Dakota Space Grant Consortium
The North Dakota Space Grant Consortium, a state-wide NASA-funded education and research grant, 今年春天会给BSC的STEM学生颁发奖学金吗. To qualify, students must have a 3.0+ GPA, be a U.S. 公民,主修STEM领域,包括能源和自动化十大网络彩票平台大全.  

学生必须注册一个可提交的帐户才能访问应用程序(所有NDSGC申请都是通过可提交的). 今年的申请要求学生提交一封推荐信, 一个记录, 一份简历, and an essay response to the following question: Describe both your academic and 的职业目标. How will this scholarship help you achieve those goals? 

Find more information at NDSGC Undergraduate 奖学金 和 NDSGC & BSC 奖学金 application.

SME Education 基金会
For more than 40 years, 中小企业在支持下一代制造和工程人才方面一直处于领先地位. 我们的奖学金计划向数百名在制造业攻读副学士或学士学位的高中毕业生和在校大学生提供数百万美元的奖学金, 工程 or related discipline.

The 基金会 has awarded 18 million to over 5,自2005年以来,该公司每年资助近100万美元的奖学金.

每年的11月1日至2月1日接受奖学金申请. By submitting one application, 你将被考虑申请每一项你符合条件的奖学金. Awards range from $2,500 – $20,000.
〇立即申请 应用 for SME Education 基金会 奖学金 - SMEEF 

TC能源奖学金是获得学校经济支持的便捷方式. 现在,加拿大各地有750多个奖学金.S.在美国和墨西哥,在BSC注册的学生可以获得价值高达5000美元的奖学金.

核R.C. 奖学金
十大网络彩票平台大全提供这项奖学金,鼓励学生进入核动力一代, medical or research workforce. Underrepresented populations such as women, 我们强烈鼓励少数族裔和残疾学生申请.

American Water Works Association AWWA 奖学金
Awarding $500 for Water Operator training and education. 每位获奖者将获得一年的AWWA运营商会员资格.

North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association's (NDRWSA)
北达科他州农村水系统协会(NDRWSA)奖学金计划向十大网络彩票平台大全的水开放 & Wastewater Technology program students. 奖学金可用于支付学费、书费、住宿费和伙食费. 选拔委员会对申请人进行评估,并根据学业成绩选择奖学金获得者, 的职业目标, extracurricular activities, 领导, financial need, and an essay on a predetermined topic.

For more information on the scholarship, contact NDRWSA 或应用 在这里.

Water Cents 奖学金
“水仙”计划旨在为有兴趣在水务行业接受教育的人提供一项水务奖学金. 该奖学金适用于任何符合资格申请教育奖学金的现有NPRWD用户/客户的家庭成员. 如欲申请,请寄一封表达你对水务行业工作兴趣的信至:

Teresa Sundsbak, General Manager
North Prairie Rural Water District
3811 Burdick Expressway East
Minot, ND 58701-5357

More information on the scholarship can be found at NPRWD.  This scholarship can be applied for at any time.